Posts tagged Anti-Racism
Educating, Protecting, and Loving: My Journey as a Black Radical Teacher

My father taught me to believe that the only real chains are in our minds, and when I went to college at San Francisco State University, I pursued child psychology because I wanted to help break these chains. I took all my general education courses in Black studies, which meant that whether I was studying economics or public health or literature, the curriculum centered the Black community in the U.S. These classes reaffirmed all the lessons that my father had imparted and reinforced my understanding, empathy, and love for my people. Then I started to ask myself, if this is who we are in spite of white supremacy, who would we be outside of an oppressive system? Who could we become?

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Colorism Follows You Everywhere You Go

Even though I didn’t experience Islamophobia or anti-Muslim sentiment growing up, there was another form of racism I grew up experiencing from people in my own community. The Arab world is not excluded from the treacherous colorism that dominates so many societies, with the appearance of white skin and white features celebrated and coveted. Since Dearborn is a mini-Middle East, the immigrants brought with them their customs and traditions, including colorism—sadly, it did not drop in the Atlantic Ocean on their way to America.

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From Allyship to Solidarity

In her speech, she spoke of the historic tradition of Black-Palestinian solidarity and referenced Palestinians from Gaza tweeting advice about tear gas advice to protesters in the Ferguson Uprising. For the first time in my life, I felt connected to something bigger than myself, surrounded by like-minded people who are passionate about justice and solidarity.

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